Up on blocks wooden blocks height for ease of work

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  • #67012
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      I received the MorRyde LRE-20’s from Etrailer and am blocking up the 2009 36Max1 to replace the rubber suspension, check brakes, shocks, bearings and keep the coach from sinking into the DG in my yard. It has rained a bit in California this year..
      Measured current clearance is:

      Ground Clerarance 3/02/2024 Wheels buried 2in

      Front       forward of wheel             Rear

      Drivers          16in               17in                            18in

      Passenger      171/4in         18in                           18in

       I figured I would raise it 6in (24in total) to make it easy to get around, work comfortably, and of course, raise it a bit to resolve the front too high at the hitch
      I did find the post that was REALLY helpful:
      Posted: 9:54 AM – Apr 24, 2018
      Cut a groove in a block that fits around the propane line and put the block on top of the jack.
      I am going to build wooden 18in cribbing out of pressure treated 2 x 4’s and see what works out. Looks like only about 2in of frame needed to hit with the wood, so the 18in is to distribute the weight.
      Might be easier to not use pressure treated and add the treated wood as needed once I see what works.
      no reference anywhere to people doing this except the single post.
      Not comfortable with floor jacks on DG.

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    • Author
    • #67016
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        End of day and jacked up to 22in with all four wheels able to spin (just because the tires were sunk into the DG)

        Took the top 2 2×4 out to meke it 22in

        I ended up using 2 2×4 blocks to make a groove for the propane line.

        The wooden cribs are 20”, 19”, 18” all the way to 7” then started stacking the 2×4’s side by side.

        All heights 22in

        Now the real work begins.. Grin


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