2008 Domani Pin Box

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      I’m trying to figure out the best way to level out my trailer while towing. It rides high in the front and I’d like to drop the front into the bed of my truck as it has a few inches to spare over bedrail. I’ve run into a problem as I can’t identify the pin box and the bolt patterns aren’t close to the replacements on Etrailer. I communicated and sent pictures to Etrailer and they referred me to manufacturer as they couldn’t identify it. I’m hoping this is the place for the answer. I tried to resize pictures to upload them here, but it just wasn’t working and I don’t have that much patience to try to resize to 1MB. Any help is appreciated.

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    • #66428

          What kind of 5th wheel hitch do you have?  Can that be adjusted to a lower position?

          2007 Carri-Lite XTRM5
          Breckenridge, TX

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            Companion hitch and it’s bottomed out. I have a stock 2010 F350 diesel and it rides about 5-6 inches high at rear of trailer.

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              I’m confused.  You said the trailer rides high in the front, and then you said it is 5-6″ high in the rear.

              How about you email your photo to me and I’ll re-size and post it.  steve at serenitysys.com  My email will accept up to 50GB images.  Please include something in the subject line so I know it’s OK to open the file.



              Steve & C. J.
              2008 Carriage Cameo 32SB2
              2019 Ram 3500 SRW 4X4, Cummins 6.7 HO

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                Thanks Steve, I appreciate that. I’ll send you some photos.

                Yah, you’re right. It sits low in the rear of trailer. I have a tendency of confusing myself and others. I appreciate you doing this for me.

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                  Photos from Rod

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                  Steve & C. J.
                  2008 Carriage Cameo 32SB2
                  2019 Ram 3500 SRW 4X4, Cummins 6.7 HO

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                    2 more

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                    Steve & C. J.
                    2008 Carriage Cameo 32SB2
                    2019 Ram 3500 SRW 4X4, Cummins 6.7 HO

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                      2 more, 1 more to go

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                      Steve & C. J.
                      2008 Carriage Cameo 32SB2
                      2019 Ram 3500 SRW 4X4, Cummins 6.7 HO

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                        Last of the close up photos.  I’ve asked for something showing the big picture

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                        Steve & C. J.
                        2008 Carriage Cameo 32SB2
                        2019 Ram 3500 SRW 4X4, Cummins 6.7 HO

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                          Great work on the photos, bu I haven’t a clue.



                          Based in Florida except summer
                          2013 36FWS Lifestyle (our great 2010 Cameo 36FWS has happy owners)

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                            For any of you that were curious, here is what I found upon removing my pinbox. It was  slid over 3″ pipe that is welded to frame and then bolted from the rear to brackets attached to frame. It then was secured with 3 bolts from bottom into the 3″ steel pipe. Not sure why Carriage used this method, but I don’t have options for changing the pinbox. I may use either turn my leaf springs or install brackets to raise the rear of trailer. I have to remove the plastic barrier and take a look at the undercarriage to figure out what I’m gonna do.

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                              Yikes that sure looks to be a retro fix for bad nose framing with little to no up/down pin adjustment, but that was early days…. I know zero about Domani so haven’t said a word.

                              I am still confused about what you are trying to fix.

                              sounds like the same old “old 5er, newer pickup” dilemma.  5er rides nose high, almost touches tailgate, much more weight on 5er rear axle than front, almost dragging the 5er bumper on the ground.  Pin box is as low as it can be adjusted

                              So how much siderail clearance do you have?  5-6 inches is about right but the 5er needs to run level.

                              If 6, can you drop the hitch height in your bed a bit, maybe to 5?

                              yes, you can probably flip the axles, adding the axle tube thickness to the height of the 5er above the axles.  This will raise the 5er bumper a bit more or a bit less than the axle diameter

                              The rubber bushings in your spring shackles could be out of round or shot (1-1.5 inches, more if the rear axle shackles are worse).

                              if you have a metal equalizer between front rear shackle and rear front shackle, it’s rubber components could be out of round or shot (1-3 inches depending how many are shot).

                              Before flipping axles I would have a good spring shop look at your rig loaded on the truck.  They might also need to and can easily put a dummy overload or spacer to add a bit more lift than the axle diameter.  I would suggest that you add shocks if the shop has access to proper sizing info.  You will have a lot more sway with a raised 5er.  Should be manageable, may even be less than your current (I think) tail heavy setup, but a lot more than someone towing level with an older pickup.

                              You can also look into reducing the height of your Ford.  I will post info on that next.  I would call them – they are very knowledgeable about what can be done.  But before you do, crawl under the Ford and see (and take a photo) of the spring pack so you can discuss on phone.  If there is a “block” under the spring pack, they can help you.







                              Based in Florida except summer
                              2013 36FWS Lifestyle (our great 2010 Cameo 36FWS has happy owners)

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                                This refers to. Lowering shackles


                                I think you want the “fabricated blocks” that are “related products” linked on that same web page. As I said, call and talk to them.


                                Based in Florida except summer
                                2013 36FWS Lifestyle (our great 2010 Cameo 36FWS has happy owners)

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                                  Thanks for all of the info. I will definitely take that into consideration when I decide on how to raise the rear of trailer. Much appreciated.


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